Alimony and Spousal Support

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Alimony And Spousal Support Attorney In Los Angeles, California

Reaching Your Optimal Outcome

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a regular payment made by the higher-earning spouse to the lower-earning spouse in a divorce, to help the lower-earning spouse afford living expenses and maintain a standard of living similar to that which he or she enjoyed before the dissolution of the marriage.

When putting together a spousal support order, the court will consider many different factors, including the length of the marriage, to what extent the lower-income spouse’s earning capacity was affected by his or her focus on domestic duties, whether the lower-income spouse has any marketable skills, and the ability of the higher-income spouse to pay alimony.

Contact M.C. Law, P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 323-499-3361

 Temporary spousal support

Temporary spousal support is support paid by one spouse to another and calculated by software that we call the Dissomaster. This software takes into account the gross income of both parties and a few other expenses that will calculate a certain amount. This amount is given during the time between the couple’s separation and the conclusion of the divorce case.

Permanent spousal support – Permanent spousal support is the amount of support that is ultimately ordered by the court or agreed upon by the parties at the end of the divorce process. Contrary to what the name suggests, permanent spousal support is not actually “permanent.” Rather, permanent spousal support orders are often modified or terminated due to a change in circumstances affecting one spouse or the other.

Resolution through Strategy

The intention of spousal support is to allow the lower-earning spouse a reasonable amount of time to become financially self-supporting, and whether this goal is achieved or not, in the months or years after a divorce, the income or expenses of either spouse may change dramatically enough that the spousal support agreement may need to be modified or terminated. 

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